We’re being fast-tracked through a mass awakening that is clearing the way for a new day, a new dawn, a new way of living, being, and doing.  As the old crumbles, new rises out of the darkness into the LIGHT, which is expanding in leaps and bounds. New news is spotlighting Unconventional Truths and, now, new ways of sharing what’s been hidden are joining the party with a fictional series that lifts the soul and shares from the heart. 

Complicated… by Design explores the experiences of waking up and realizing that nothing in the world works the way you thought it did. NOTHING. It dives deep into the details of what happens when you learn that the so-called government isn't for ‘We the People’, the news is fake, and modern media is pure propaganda. It highlights the reality of what it feels like to face the facts that the exploitation of children is globally rampant, most charitable foundations are racketeering, and the medical industry isn’t interested in cures. It goes beyond geo-politics by pulling back the draperies of the global elite to expose their dark secrets as it showcases the bigger picture that Earth is actually a dark, prison planet disguised as light.

At the same time, Complicated... by Design offers hope that the old, oppressive ways are collapsing, and new ways are rising up to take their place. It showcases people taking their power back, speaking their truth, and standing in their authentic, organic light.

Exploring the concept that we’re not our minds, or our bodies, we’re LIMITLESS consciousness in the form of souls experiencing human suits, Complicated… by Design takes us beyond human perception. Spotlighting the spiritual war that is playing out, not only on various levels, but in various realms and multiple dimensions, the CbD series goes BEYOND to share Galactic connections and how we volunteered to be on Earth at this incredible time.