Hidden Truths

Much of what is being brought to LIGHT to create CHANGE in our world is challenging for our humanness to comprehend. It’s one thing to awaken to corruption on a global scale, to scratch the surface of the intricacies involved in mind control, and wrap our heads around the level of manipulation in predictive programming. It’s another to dive deep into the world of dark deeds when it comes to sex slaves, human trafficking, clones, and crimes against humanity, especially when they involve children.

Complicated… by Design’s story lines are written in a manner to share how Chanda, and those around her, awaken to learning hidden truths. By unmasking symbols and systems that were designed to corrupt reality, the focus is shifted away from the dark by shining LIGHT on TRUTH because Earth may have been a dark, prison planet disguised as light, but… that’s changing.


Freedom Versus Control