Complicated… by Design tackles why our lives have been DESIGNED to be complicated. It explores what caused us to become complacent, and spotlights why we stopped asking tough questions and demanding truth as our God-given right. Why have we been led to believe that super heroes are the ones with powers, when we, ultimately, have innate abilities that go BEYOND human perception? Especially, when we UNITE. 

Complicated… by Design examines what it’s like to go beyond the physical world, showing how you can be awake, but not aware, and you can also be aware, but not awake. The unveiling of TRUTH isn’t simply about exposing the dark deeds that have kept humanity enslaved, it’s about doing that deep dive inward to remember who we truly are, why we’re here, and how we get home. It’s about opening our hearts and connecting with that pure SOURCE energy that’s been buried as we help our families and communities navigate this GREAT AWAKENING remembering our true DESIGN.