Freedom Versus Control

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In this scene from the Complicated… by Design SIZZLE REEL, we get a glimpse of the importance of keeping an open mind when seeking TRUTH and reclaiming FREEDOM. Are wars about money, power and control? Yes. However, is it also possible that, beyond what we witness on the physical plane, war is about keeping what’s been deliberately hidden from humanity secret? Have advanced technologies and cures been suppressed? Have memory wiping techniques been used against us? Have we been stuck in a reincarnation loop to keep us enslaved? Is the slave system limited to Earth, why are children targeted, and who are the benevolent Galactics or inter-dimensional Beings, if they exist, who are helping us from BEYOND?

As hard as it is at times to face the TRUTH, the CbD Series showcases various ways we are individually, as well as collectively, reclaiming our FREEDOM and denying consent to ALL forms of control. It also spotlights Chanda’s journey as she begins to ‘see’ through the old guard’s divisive and manipulative ways, all the while being humbled by God’s grace as she learns to assist those who were born into inverted systems beyond their control.


Hidden Truths


Choose Love