Melissa Parks



Melissa was the Energy Consultant for the Complicated by… Design SIZZLE to assist in shaping the creation of the Special FX.

I am Melissa Parks, a Teacher of Light and Seeker of Truth. I specialize in Spiritual Messages, Energy Healing and providing Spiritual Business advice.  I am an Earth Angel, Psychic/Trance Medium, and Reiki Master.  Based out of the Sarasota, Florida, I also serve the Florida Gulf Coast, as well as national and International clients. 

As a child I was able to see and communicate with the Spirit World, but was shut down and told to ignore my gifts.  Much of my life was filled with hurt, anger & pain. It wasn’t until a 'voice' told me that it was time to forgive my childhood abuser that I gathered the courage to do so.  It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Yet, when I did, my heart truly opened.  That is when my Spiritual Journey flourished. Once I embraced my True Self and my Divine connection to God and all Light Beings, I embraced my life’s purpose.  I now spread Love & Light, providing guidance and healing to all.

I open to Divine Beings in the highest vibration of God’s LOVE, becoming a pure channel for a person’s Higher Self, Past Loved Ones, Archangels, Guides and the Universal Healing Force to bring forth powerful messages of Guidance & Powerful Healing on all levels. 

My Soul’s purpose is to help others find their Divine Light, live their Joy and spread their LOVE!

You can check out Melissa’s work in the Complicated… by Design sizzle here - CbD Sizzle

Melissa Parks - (941) 266-9250


Mystery Ridge Movie Ranch