Dream to Screen


For years, the path leading to the creation of the Complicated… by Design series wasn’t always clear, but a spark from within lit the way. From a twenty-seven-year career designing for a myriad of clients, from politicians to professional athletes and CEOs of billion dollar companies, to a few whom could be described as the likes of The Real Housewives, to the writing of two books, the concept for the CbD series was born.

However, it took questioning whether writing the novel COMPLICATED… by DESIGN was programming, or innate inspiration, to understand how our personal journeys dovetail with world events. Then, learning to discern whether the experiences described in the non-fiction book UNCONVENTIONAL TRUTH were planted images, or wisdom buried deep within, led to clarity of the bigger picture. That, ignited the search for answers to comprehend the difference between being AWAKE and being AWARE.

All of the above led to the production of the CbD Proof-of-Concept SIZZLE REEL. Now, we’re looking to propel Complicated… by Design into a full-fledged series where, in Season One, Chanda’s seemingly high-gloss life in Greenwich is exposed for what it truly is… an awakening on multiple levels. It’s where we, along with her staff, discover that collective complacency and mind control are what ultimately led to a world in which humanity believes that they’re free, but they’re not. 

Complicated… by Design is based on the premise that our lives were ‘designed’ to be complicated.  And, for volunteer souls, whom have incarnated on Earth to help liberate humanity from the dark controlling forces that infiltrated our galaxy, it’s about soul growth. For those whom have been caught up in the rigged reincarnation cycle that has reduced soul growth to a minimum, it’s about freedom because their lives have been complicated by a seemingly invisible system that keeps them unknowingly enslaved. 

If you’re interested in receiving more information and/or if you have the means to assist in moving Complicated… by Design and Unconventional Truth forward, please email Cbdsizzle@gmail.com - Thank YOU!


Waking Up