Meet Chanda Lear


CHANDA LEAR is a diamond in a jewelry-box-filled-with-imitations, who is often too rigid and focused for her own good. Her midwestern, farm-girl essence disguises the tenacity and sex-appeal she wields like Rene Russo’s character in The Thomas Crown Affair. Raised to believe that, other than a few bad apples, most people in the world are good, Chanda was also programmed to believe that the government, judicial system, medical industry, and charities ultimately work for the greater good.

As owner of Star Interiors in the Beverly Hills of the East Coast, Greenwich, Connecticut, Chanda appears to be living the American dream. She’s an award-winning interior designer for the rich and famous, has traveled the world, and owns what looks like a dollhouse compared to the mansions she designs. A closer look reveals she’s drowning in debt, stressed out by demanding clients, and wears hurt from a cheating ex-boyfriend like a cheap pantsuit.

Whereas Chanda may appear to be a typical 29-year-old attempting to find her true self in a superficial world, buried under her human suit is the crystalline heartbeat of a multi-dimensional light being with super-charged abilities that are beyond-human-perception.

After learning that Earth is a dark prison planet disguised as light, Chanda’s abrupt awakening is further complicated when she realizes that to help liberate humanity from the insidious oppression of the old guard and their new-world cabal puppets, she’ll have to assist the global elite who oppressed her. The race is on to escape the old-guard’s regressive, controlling forces who are using Earth as their final stronghold in a spiritual war to control DNA and consciousness, prevent ascension and, ultimately, control the next planetary cycle.


Waking Up